Dear renalMRI - PARENCHIMA Team!

we are pleased to inform you about the following news:

Working Group 5: Upcoming Dissemination Workshop

We are currently planning a dissemination workshop to present, discuss and optimize our current dissemination work-flow within - PARENCHIMA. This meeting will provide a platform for early career researchers (PhDs and post-docs) to get in touch with European renal imaging scientists and societies.

If you are interested to join our discussions, please contact the WG5 Lead. Please add your preferred location and your subject of interest (homepage, newsletter, Google Analytics, social media, stakeholders, companies) so that we can plan our group discussions more efficiently. Depending on the location, we plant to reimburse at least 20 participants (see COST Vademecum) - more details will follow.

  • Date: Jan 31, 2019 to Feb 1, 2019
  • Location: We are currently evaluating two locations (Hotel/conference room in Budapest, Hungary or Cyprus)
  • Homepage:
    • Many slides from the Working Group 3: Clinical Studies Strategy Meeting are online now.
    • Please provide your slides from the Working Group 5 Plenary Meeting in Prague to help other members to follow our progress. (Attach your slides in an email to the WG5 Lead).

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This newsletter is based upon work from COST Action PARENCHIMA (CA16103), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

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