
Future international renal imaging meetings

13/14 Oct 2025 - 6th international renal imaging meeting (Pamplona)


Renal imaging meetings - vision and principles

The renal MRI community has been organising bi-annual international meeting since 2015. In line with the mission of as a community-led organisation, future meetings will follow these core principles:

  • Meetings are self-organised by the community but can seek endorsements from stakeholders in nephrology, MR physics, radiology, endocrinology, computer science and other relevant disciplines.
  • Registration fees should be kept to a minimum (early bird <300 EUR full fees and <150 EUR student fees) by keeping costs low and soliciting sponsorship, and should not bias towards any particular discipline.
  • All participants including invited speakers will be treated by the same general principles when offering reimbursements or registration waivers.
  • The organising committee commits to returning any profits back to the community to be invested in support activities such as website development and maintenance.
  • In order of priority, the program committee should be balanced in terms of the relevant disciplines, gender, level of seniority and regional representation.

Past meetings

11/12 Sept 2023 - 5th international renal imaging meeting (Ghent)


2021 - 4th international renal imaging meeting (Lisbon & Philadelphia)


2019 - 3rd international renal imaging meeting (Nottingham)


2017 - 2nd international renal imaging meeting (Berlin)


2015 - 1st international renal imaging meeting (Bordeaux)
