DISCLAIMER: This is an archive page describing a task force from the precursor project PARENCHIMA. The content is not up to date


The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) project PARENCHIMA has brought together almost the entire international community of researchers and clinicians around renal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Several high-impact outputs have shown the value of renal MRI and their potential role in clinical practice of various renal diseases. Recently also technical recommendations where summarized in an special issue of MAGMA. PARENCHIMA has also become a central European information platform on ongoing studies, single- and multi-center studies.

Therefore, together with the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) a dedicated working group on “Functional renal Magnetic Resonance Imaging“ will pave the clinical adoption of MRI biomarkers in renal disease.

Everyone is welcome to join this ESUR working group to keep up our exchange and collaboration and to bridge our findings with clinicians.

If you also want to join the ESUR working group (hosted by ESUR), you will need to be a member of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology. Thus, if you are not an ESUR member, please consider to apply for an ESUR membership

Lead: Dr. Alexandra Ljimani
Vice Lead: Dr. Marcos Wolf
  Prof. Pieter De Visschere
  Dr. Ilona Dekkers
  Prof. Nicolas Grenier
  Dr. Iosif Mendichovszky
  Dr. Marcos Wolf
